The sickest bands, the most wicked stages, the coolest people, the sweatiest conditions, and the most fun part of the summer. It's arrived... Warped tour will be hitting Charlotte N.C. in two days, so if you are planning on heading that way come by here first and buy your wardrobe and make a statement courtesy of the Clothing Warehouse. Xtina said that the guitarist from "The Chase" (which will be playing Warped this year) stopped in today and bought up some good vintage clothes for the show.
So if the artist are preparing here, sounds like the rest of us should take a hint and follow in their footsteps! I'll also be there to enjoy the day's events so if you see me scream at me, let me know who you are and we can party it up and hit a show together! If you wanna track me down, the best shows to find me at would be 3OH!3, Alkaline Trio, IwrestledAbearOnce, Bring me the horizon, andrew w.k, and definitely and most importantly Mike Posner! So come and track me down.

much love-CASSidy
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